Our Blog

Stories of impact and inspiration.

Chinese woman, her daughter posing for a photo while holding clothes sewn by the woman.

HET: Tara’s Tailoring Story

We visited Tara, a Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program graduate. Despite challenges, she is now thriving with two years in tailoring, sewing from home…

Group of Chinese Women in Graduation uniform

The 2024 Graduates of the Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women

The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women has been completed this year, and 29 out of 31 trainees graduated last August 16th after three…

A Group of Women

Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women Resumes After a Productive Break

The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women in China resumes after taking a break to make way for the Cordyceps season.

Woman sewing

Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women

Bringing hope and opportunity to underprivileged women in Qinghai. For three months, 30 women will receive intensive tailoring training and learn valuable…

Women Learning Tailoring

The Incredible Progress of Women in the Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program

Over the past month since the Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women started, the students have diligently punched in every day.

Sharing Learnings & Laughter on First Day of Training

The Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women officially launched on March 18th, 2024. Our team recruited thirty-one trainees after interviews.


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