180 Women Chosen for the 2024 Chicken and Pig Farming Training in China

We are excited to announce that the 2024 Pigs, Poultry, & Prosperity Program is well underway in its preparation phase. 180 dedicated participants from Butuo County in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, have been selected to join the program this year.

These participants who were chosen for their commitment and potential are about to embark on a transformative journey. The Chicken and Pig Farming Training is designed to provide them with the resources, training, and support they need to successfully raise poultry and livestock. This initiative not only aims to improve their livelihoods but also to enhance food security and promote sustainable agricultural practices in their communities.

Chinese women of different ages smiling

Some of the participants of the program

These 180 individuals will receive baby chicks and piglets, along with comprehensive training on animal husbandry, veterinary care, and sustainable farming techniques in the coming months. They will be equipped with the necessary tools and resources to start and maintain their small-scale farming enterprises. The program’s holistic approach ensures that participants are well-prepared to overcome challenges and achieve long-term success.

The impact of the Chicken and Pig Farming Training extends beyond the individual participants. As they gain knowledge and skills, they will share their newfound expertise with their families and neighbors, fostering a ripple effect of positive change throughout the region. This collective effort will contribute to the overall economic development and resilience of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.

We are proud to support these aspiring farmers and look forward to witnessing their growth and achievements. Together, we are building a brighter future for Butuo County and beyond.

Our thanks to ZURU and the Annual Shenzhen Charity Auction supporters for sponsoring this project. Interested in learning how you can support this project? Contact our CEO directly, andrewc@captivating.org, for more details. He’d love to hear from you.

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China's Chicken & Pig Farming Program is off to a Great Start

We have officially commenced our Chicken & Pig Farming Program for a 6-8 month long chicken and pig-rearing project for 180 women in Sichuan Province, China.