The Problem

Our Solution

Meet the radio station

The Problem

Intercepting girls in the process of being trafficked across the border from Nepal is critically important work.  However, our efforts can’t stop there. Without prevention-related strategies, the trafficking of girls will simply continue.

PREVENTION STRATEGIES are critical to beating this problem long term.

Everyone will agree that EDUCATION about the dangers of trafficking is a critical part of any PREVENTION strategy. It’s clear from the feedback we are getting from staff at our border monitoring stations that there is still a general underestimation of the dangers of trafficking, and also a lack of knowledge of the ever-changing tactics being used by traffickers. Behind all of this also sits the thinking, “yes, I’ve heard about trafficking, but this will never happen to me.” It’s only after phone calls are made and scenarios presented that the typical girl stopped at a border station realizes the truth about her situation. Unfortunately, far too many girls are not stopped due to limited resources.

Education is the answer, but how can we do this in the most economical and efficient manner.

Welcome to our dedicated Nepal-wide RADIO STATION – a 3 Angels Nepal project underwritten by Captivating, which is educating 96% of Nepal.

Our Solution

3 Angels Community Radio (3ACR) was established to create a massive awareness about human trafficking and sex slavery activities across Nepal. In the initial stages, 3ACR had a small sphere of audiences covering only 7 districts. The official inauguration of the radio station was held on 29th April, 2013.

Since the global pandemic began in 2020, this radio station has been a beacon of hope, broadcasting to those who have lost jobs, been cut off from their families, and left wondering what will happen next. It has not only been a way to communicate much needed hope and important information but it is also a place where people can ring to ask for help with emergency food relief, legal advice, and counselling.

The radio is a powerful tool that has far reaching impact and the team are implementing processes to reach beyond with the introduction of the 3ACR App and plans to have a presence on YouTube as well.

The dedicated 3ACR team has focused on producing quality programs aimed at educating listeners and watchers about the risks, the latest tactics used by traffickers, personal stories of girls who thought this would “never happen to them,” and information on what people can do to get help.

With radio headquarters based in Pokhara, 3ACR broadcasts 17 hours a day. 4 core programs intersperse music and news reports to engage as wide an audience as possible. The core programs cover key educational interest areas:

  • Nepali Cheli – human trafficking awareness and how women are being exploited;
  • BalBagaicha – a child focused program helping educate children about child labor, child rights and child protection;
  • Swasthanaidhan – a health-focused program educating on general hygiene, AIDS/STD’s, and how to care for your children/family. Included in this is advice on child safety measures and how parents to can educate their children (especially girls) about exploitation issues;
  • Legal counseling – is more like a civic program. Listeners are advised on core legal process matters and helped to understand their legal rights and privileges.

Captivating is the majority funder of the operating costs of radio headquarters in Pokhara. 

Meet the radio station

Produced by 3 Angels Nepal. Used with permission.


Beauty from Ashes – July to December 2022
Go to Captivating Publications for all of our updates and reports.


  • Become part of our radio support club by financially supporting this project.
  • Every donation makes a difference.
  • Your support will save lives through valuable education.

What You Will Receive:

  • Blog stories on activities
  • A thank you banner photo for donors who give US$1,000 or more

Latest News for NEPAL - Community Radio - Human Trafficking Awareness

Educated, Safe & Empowered

Sheena (*name changed for privacy) is one of the daughters at Women's Safe Haven who has set an impressive record for graduating high school.

From a Victim to a Survivor

This is the story of Mary* (name changed for privacy), a girl born in a Dalit family in the far western region of Nepal, Kanchanpur.

Children Need Radio Shows Too: The Children Garden Program

The Children Garden is a children-oriented program where participants showcase their talents and inspire other child listeners. 

Thank you to our project partners