Education in rural, poor China has significantly improved in recent years due to progressive education policies. However, a few years ago, the situation was not so positive for girls from traditional, rural nomadic, and semi-nomadic families. These girls, now adult women and moms, still need our help today. Typically, a family would have three children on average. Some very traditional families, sadly, did not see the value of education for their children. If you were a girl in one of these families, your chances of receiving education beyond the minor grades were slim. Many parents held this view because (1) they themselves did not receive an education, and (2) they believed it was pointless to invest in their daughters’ education after hearing stories of university graduates struggling to find employment.
Additionally, girls were often expected to look after family and members and handle household chores. These more traditional families believed the primary role of girls was to get married and serve their husbands and families rather than improve themselves. As a result, many young women were left with limited opportunities and unable to progress due to a lack of education, leaving many of them largely illiterate.

Our Solution
The Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women exists to give these women, aged 20 to 35, who have missed out on education an opportunity to progress.
Run each year, this project provides systematic sewing training to 30 young women classified as largely illiterate or with low educational backgrounds (most having only completed Grade 6). These women, from remote, nomadic areas in Qinghai Province, receive intensive tailoring training over three months. In addition, they learn valuable life skills to become truly independent, including basic reading and writing to help with their sewing, and money management.
This project will:
- Enable these women to have sustainable income-generating skills for life.
- Increase their income so they can better support their children and siblings at school.
- Provide an opportunity for these women to make their own life choices and move confidently towards genuine independence.
This program offers trainees a strong starting point with specialized sewing skills, encouragement, and support. Some secure tailoring jobs following successful internships, while others return home to sew clothing for their families, saving money in the process. Over 90% of trainees complete their training and all report significant benefits, feeling more confident, capable, and equipped.
Thank you to Husky Energy, now part of the Cenovus group of companies, for fully funding this project!
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