Er Shi Ti Xi is one of the recipients of the generosity of our sponsors for the One More Year Scholarship Program in China. She is a Grade 10 student, and she feels immense gratitude for the opportunity given to her to continue her studies because this was a stark contrast to her life back home in the province.
Last semester, she went home on vacation and had online classes at home. She helped her parents with tasks such as feeding pigs and chopping firewood while she was at home. Unfortunately, the water pipes at home froze because of the weather, so they had to carry buckets of water to the mountain ditch to get water.

Er Shi Ti Xi feels sad whenever she sees her parents sweating profusely while working in the fields daily. This motivates her to study hard and change the daily life of hard farming.
“I won’t give up on my education because of my rural background; instead, I’ll strive harder to broaden my horizons and explore the world beyond the mountains.
I firmly believe that no one’s luck comes out of nowhere, and one can only be lucky if one works hard enough. This world will not disappoint any persistent and brave person. Among all subjects, I liked the Yi language class the most because I believe the Yi language is our symbol as the Yi people. Therefore, I dream of becoming a Yi language teacher and returning to the mountains to teach children there, spreading our Yi culture and introducing more people to the charm of our ethnic group and its culture.”
She is one of the many girls who aspire for bigger things for her and her family. It is so great to witness them honoring their hometown’s culture and legacy by persevering in their education so they can give back when they finish their studies.
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RMB 3,200 | USD 40 a month is all it takes to keep a girl in school for ONE MORE YEAR, giving her the chance to learn, grow, and succeed.
Sponsor a girl today and invest in her future.