We want to help mothers gain sustainable income streams to elevate their living standards and foster positive change. Our One Hope Microfinance Program makes it possible by providing small business loans to micro-entrepreneurs starting at PHP 6,000 (USD 103). Each client will be a part of a fellowship group where they commit to meet weekly for payment and community building.
We love hearing developments from women we have helped and we are happy to share Felicitas’ and Rina’s stories.

Felicitas happily sold candies, cigarettes, and other everyday items in her neighborhood back when she managed her sari-sari. But a few years ago, she encountered a personal tragedy. Her son and husband passed away, filling her every day with denial and grief. To her, her sari-sari store was the least of her concerns.
In the previous year, she realized that her life must never stop because of her loss—no matter how difficult. She is a mother and a grandmother, and her living family still needs her help. She decided to take one small step at a time by starting her sari-sari store again. She reached out for assistance in her small business. She passed our application process and was granted her first loan of PHP 6000!
We hope that with this little help we provide her, we can become a part of her healing. We wish that she finds her old happiness again amid the tragedy and that her life must be celebrated every day.

In our mission to help families achieve sustainability, we often encounter challenges that go beyond financial constraints. We noticed that family issues, particularly those involving marital problems, are among the common reasons for late/unpaid balances. In some cases, our beneficiaries are single mothers who have to wear different hats just to provide for their children.
When we noticed that Rina was falling behind in payments, we made sure to check on her, and we did not realize how difficult she had it.
Rina lives high up in the mountains, raising her two children by herself. She runs a small sari-sari store to provide for them. To make ends meet, she also takes on laundry work and crafts barbecue sticks—anything to keep her family afloat.
Despite these hardships, Rina shares her immense gratitude for this program, which has reached remote areas like hers. With our continued support, we continue to empower resilient individuals like Rina, giving them the tools and opportunities they need to create brighter futures for their families. We also make sure to find a way to meet her halfway in her past due accounts.
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Support the One Hope Microfinance Program and help provide mothers with the resources they need to build a better future for their children.
USD270 | AUD 385 starts another woman on her poverty-free journey.
Be her hope.