We believe that a lot of impoverished mothers have the chance to elevate their and their children’s living standards if only allowed to do so. Our One Hope Microfinance Program provides microloans starting at PHP 6,000 (USD 102).
How does this work? When acquiring their first loan, each client will be a part of a fellowship group where they must agree to commit to a weekly payment and attend to community-building activities. Once the loans are repaid, they are eligible for more loans with increments of PHP 3,000 (USD 51), until the maximum loanable amount of PHP 30,000 is reached. The client will then have 40 weeks to repay the succeeding loans. Because of this program, we were able to meet extraordinary women like Marites.

Like many other mothers to whom we have applied, Marites stood out as a leader in her fellowship group. Her initiative, dedication, and natural mind of a leader, have inspired other women in her group. It is no surprise that when they were given the chance to choose their leader, they appointed her as their coordinator. From that moment forward, she assisted our organization’s Project Assistants whenever challenges arise.
Marites also excels as a mother and a provider for her family. Over the years, we held her hand in growing her “sari-sari” or small variety store business. We were there to witness how she had lost her husband. Most people would lose their motivation at times of grief, but she did not. Her children were the most important thing to her, and it is her biggest dream to see them graduate from college and secure stable jobs.
Her story is a wonderful testament of perseverance and hope, and we continue our work to help mothers like her attain sustainable income sources for their family.
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Support the One Hope Microfinance Program and help provide mothers with the resources they need to build a better future for their children.
USD270 | AUD 385 starts another woman on her poverty-free journey.
Be her hope.