Debi Maya Tamang (32) is one of our beneficiaries from Chitwan. She is a mother of two children and a wife to a farmer. Like any other farmer in Nepal, the take-home pay barely helps them survive. There is a lot of uncertainty in her husband’s line of work. The crops’ yield depends on uncontrolled elements like the weather and the environment. Since this was their sole income stream, Debi fears that her children will be negatively affected as they get older—only eventually repeating the same cycle of poverty in their bloodline.

But one day, she was chatting with a neighbor when the My Business-My Freedom Microfinance Program (MBMF) was mentioned. Her helplessness as a stay-at-home mother disappeared when inspiration settled in! It did not take a while before she joined our Lothar Woman’s Group.


A woman smiles while sitting amongst her goats.
Debi Maya Tamang and her goats.


She attended the meetings and learned from like-minded women in her group. Once ready, she secured an initial loan of NPR 30,000 to start goat rearing. Coming from an agricultural background, how well she did was not surprising at all. After repaying the loan, she took out another loan worth NPR 35,000 and expanded to more goats, and one unexpected venture: sewing and knitting!

Again, Debi did not disappoint and created steady income streams in her two different ventures. Now, their family does not only have one, not two—but three income streams! Right now, there is nothing to worry about her children’s future because she is starting to save for their future needs.



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