CLEAN RUNNING WATER – everyone’s a winner and kids are back in school

In May 2015, Captivating and Husky Energy connected a remote rural village in Qinghai to a clean water source located several kilometers from the village. Now, instead of children and grandparents having to spend hours a day fetching water, everyone has a water outlet only a few meters from their door. Shamtse Charity, our implementing partner, went back recently to perform a full audit and to see what difference it has made to the children and their families. Here’s Drugmo’s story:

“My name is Drugmo Tserang. I am the eldest of four kids at my home so I was the one to look after family chores when my parents were away earning money to feed the family by digging herbs and working outside. I have never been to school due to family responsibilities and fetching water has been one of the hardest parts since I was 6 and I have turned 22 this year. This would usually involve me going down to the valley to fetch water in a wooden bucket. I would do this with other girls from the village, usually 4 or more times a day. I have been responsible for fetching water for 12 years until I was old enough to generate income for the family. Since then, my second younger sister has been taking over the water collecting activities. She is studying in the local school, and quite often she and the other students would miss school to collect the water. What can you do? We cannot survive without water.

“All this changed last year thanks to the new running water project implemented by Shamtse Charity and Captivating International, and thanks to funding from Husky Energy.

“Things are much better now.  My sister does not miss any school. We are drinking more water and living healthier. So much time is now saved allowing us to be much more productive with our time. Our house is located at the highest point of the village and we were worried that the water wouldn’t come through to us. But, the water pressure is very strong and we are very pleased. Also, we have not had trouble to get water even in the cold winter as we can easily keep the black tube part warm. The water system is functioning very well and the villagers are VERY happy. The village committee regularly check the spring where the main water tank has been built and buried and it remains in very good condition. The main valve that controls the whole system also has been inspected and this is also functioning well.

“Our old people are also very happy. They do not have to get up early and wait to fetch water in a long line; there is less arguing in the village over who should be fetching water; and parents are able to work longer and earn more money because we have running water.  Thank you so much Shamtse, Captivating International, and Husky Energy. Our lives are so much better thanks to your generosity.” 

Shamtse logoShamtse’s nine month audit reports that the water system is functioning well with only a few problems mainly relating to some families not keeping the pipes warm in winter. Water pressure, with the village being located much higher than the water source, was the key challenge, but this has exceeded expectation and the villagers are very satisfied with the outcome. We are extremely happy about the positive and permanent change this project is bringing to all families in this village community. Thank you Husky Energy for making this all possible.

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