The 2024 Graduates of the Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women has been completed this year, and 29 out of 31 trainees graduated last August 16th after three months of training.
Dangzhicuo is a 55 year-old single mother with three children. Her only source of income is from farming two acres of land. She makes about 7,000 RMB [US$1,100] annually from selling crops, but it is not enough to cover school fees. As a result, two of her children had to stop their education after middle school [grade 9] to help around the house and work their land. Dangzhicuo, herself, has never had the chance to attend school and so finding a good paying job is not possible for her.
Dangzhicuo was one of 70 single moms who each received 2 piglets in December 2017. 30 more families will be helped in the coming months. In addition to the piglets, they are receiving training and support on how to breed piglets and establish their own pig breeding program as part of Captivating’s Pigs for Poverty project. With great excitement she says, “Thank you Shamtse [our partner] and Captivating donors. I now live with hope I can send my children back to school”.
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women has been completed this year, and 29 out of 31 trainees graduated last August 16th after three months of training.
In the summer of 2024, 402 graduates from the One More Year (OMY) Scholarship Program were filled with excitement and anticipation as they prepared to start a new chapter in their lives.
Teacher Yang Yujiao is a volunteer teacher in our Support a Volunteer Teacher program in China.
Wei Jinling is one of the scholars under the One More Year Scholarship Program in China.
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women Program in China resumes after taking a break to make way for the Cordyceps season.
We have officially commenced our Chicken & Pig Farming Program for a 6-8 month long chicken and pig-rearing project for 180 women in Sichuan Province, China.