The Problem

The Solution

Meet the Team

The Problem

The key cause that sits behind the Trafficking of Persons is extreme poverty. When a woman has no other way of reasonably earning money to sustain herself or her family, she will become desperate. Poor choices, including the high prospect of abuse result in a downward spiral.

In a country where close to 30% of the population are living below the poverty line, the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development estimates that there are up to 200,000 children, young men and women on the streets of Manila alone, and that at least one tenth are or become victims of human trafficking. Tragically, the Philippines ranks fourth in the world in terms of countries with the highest number of prostituted children ( Philippines).

People in poverty do not have access to the commercial lending banks. Where finance may be available, unscrupulous loan sharks take advantage of borrowers by charging exorbitant interest, leading the family into perpetual poverty. This can lead to the selling of their children or carrying incredible levels of debt that continues over several generations. Women seeking to finance a small business such as tailoring, selling or small-scale manufacturing are locked into this poverty cycle. They, again, get desperate and are easily coerced into forced labor or trafficking, or the trafficking/forced labor/cybersex exploitation of their own children.

The solution for children starts with mom, and Microfinance is the key to addressing this – a proven model for people to start pulling themselves out of poverty.

The Solution

Microfinance helps by providing families the opportunity to take out small loans to either start or grow their business. Once they are approved for the loan, they become part of the microfinance community and meet weekly to discuss business ideas and also encourage each other in their daily lives. This strategy not only helps financially but also encourages them to think about what they would like to achieve and how they can do that.

“I’ve seen the power of microfinance all over the world in the eyes of mothers and fathers. It’s unmistakable—the joy and deep satisfaction they feel from being able to work hard and provide for their children and their future.” Rich Stearns – President, World Vision U.S

For example, one client in the Philippines borrowed $30 to purchase some chickens. She sells the eggs and chickens she raises. Over a few months she was able to repay the small loan at a very low interest rate and has now tripled her assets and has enough income to feed her children three healthy meals a day. In some cases women are then able to employ other women. Microfinance loans to women have proven very successful, and almost 100% of loans are repaid in full. Loan recipients are asked to form groups of five to support and encourage each other and to assist each other to repay the loan. The project lenders provide training and business skills to these groups. This empowers the women as they provide their own solution to generations of poverty and further creates a sisterhood of caring.

Since 2011, our Philippines based partner, HONOR 1000 Movement, have been operating a micro-finance program called “ONE HOPE“. Today, One Hope supports in excess of 2,500 clients – all women – every week. Stretching across four regions of the Philippines, 129 fellowship groups meet weekly as individual cooperatives, along with a One Hope loans officer, working together to progress their businesses. It’s a fantastic model filled with success stories of women (many of whom are single moms) being able to keep their kids in school, nutritious food on the table, and live safely in comfortable homes. These women know that it’s their educated children that will one day look after them in their retirement. Most importantly, the children of these families, and their mom, will likely remain safe from Human Trafficking. Attraction to migration is off the radar.

Captivating is honored to be partnering with the Honor 1000 Movement to (1) support their existing program through the financing of the Honor 1000 team as they direct and support the Micro-Finance program; but also (2) working to progressively expand the loan capital of their One Hope Micro-Finance program to impact more clients. Expansion of the microfinance program will one day see the program reach sustainability in each region that it operates. This is our dream as program partners.  We can do this work thanks to an amazing three-way partnership including Australian based Global Development Group (GDG) who provide guidance on project planning, governance and best practice compliance with government regulations relating to international development programs. Working together, Honor – Captivating – GDG, will see thousands of women and children directly impacted through the years to come.

However, there is a fourth partner essential to this mix. Financial donors. Expansion cannot continue without budget’s being met. Your support of this program will save lives. In fact, for every US$270 of additional loan capital, another single mom and her children start their journey out of poverty.  Will you journey with us?


Meet the Team

Never underestimate the power of passion, determination for a cause, and the energy of youth. The HONOR 1000 MOVEMENT team is a young, dynamic team like no other. These are Filipino MODERN DAY GAME CHANGERS who wake up every morning responsible for changing the destiny of 2,000 women, children and their extended families.  They have plans, with our combined support, to do SO MUCH more.

Of course, supporting this amazing group of 5 are close to 30 staff spread throughout the Philippines either working as social workers or community loan officers. We are thrilled to call this whole team our Global partners and friends. Let’s change the world – one loan at a time. This is our BEST way to STOP the TRAFFICKING of tomorrow’s children.

Left to right – Flo (Executive Director), Laila (Marketing & Business), Perry (Admin Assistant), Kayla (Financial and Microfinance Controller), Trizia (Bookkeeper)

Your US$270 / A$385 support will;

  • ensure enough loan capital is available for another family to join the program;
  • be a gift that keeps on giving as families repay their loans (currently, less than 4% default);
  • address poverty and significantly decrease the risk of human trafficking for mom and her children;
  • bring this mom genuine hope and joy knowing she can afford to educate her children;
  • be part of a small group of generous ONE HOPE donors changing the world. We’ll update you to remind you of your awesomeness.

What You Will Receive:

  • Regular blog posts on the ONE HOPE Microfinance program;
  • 2 reports each year on the impact including stories and the highs and lows.

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Thank you to our project partners