The 2024 Graduates of the Husky Energy Tailoring Skills Program for Women
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women has been completed this year, and 29 out of 31 trainees graduated last August 16th after three months of training.
Over 400 people attended the most recent Healthy Village Project in a remote area of Western China and 153 women received health checks. For many, it was their very first, much needed Doctor’s checkup. Rigjyid is one of the women who came along to the program in her village and this is her story.
Rigjyid is a 34 year old single mother, who has never been to school, is illiterate and raising her two daughters. She doesn’t’ have a house or any livestock from which to earn an income. Rigjyid relies on her mother and sister to help support the family. Her 15 year old daughter had to drop school when she was in grade 8 because they could not afford to send her. Her youngest daughter is at the township school however she will also need to drop school when she gets to middle school because they cannot support the costs. “I got divorced and had to take our two daughters with me as their father did not want them. I have been very sick and could not support my oldest girl at the school any more. She is back home to help my mother home. I am too sick to work. I have appreciated the visit from the Doctor and talked with him about my concerns. I learned a lot about how to manage and help improve my health. Thank you for coming to my village.”
The Healthy Village Project brings even more to women like Rigjyid. These women know that education is key to their daughters having a bright future, but often it is out of reach. Conversations and interviews continue, with plans to return their daughters to school through Captivating’s Vocational School Scholarship Program, so they can complete their education.
Project Partners
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women has been completed this year, and 29 out of 31 trainees graduated last August 16th after three months of training.
In the summer of 2024, 402 graduates from the One More Year (OMY) Scholarship Program were filled with excitement and anticipation as they prepared to start a new chapter in their lives.
Teacher Yang Yujiao is a volunteer teacher in our Support a Volunteer Teacher program in China.
Wei Jinling is one of the scholars under the One More Year Scholarship Program in China.
The Husky Energy Tailoring (HET) Skills Program for Women Program in China resumes after taking a break to make way for the Cordyceps season.
We have officially commenced our Chicken & Pig Farming Program for a 6-8 month long chicken and pig-rearing project for 180 women in Sichuan Province, China.