Emergency Response towards Terai's Fire Victims
Captivating Nepal supported the families affected by a fire in the Terai region last May.
Yesterday we received this news update from one of our program partners in Nepal. 3 Angels Nepal (3AN) and Captivating International are working together to intercept girls being trafficked from Nepal into India for the sex trade. The team from the newly established Vhairahwa branch yesterday informed us that they have been successful this past week in rescuing 9 young girls who were on the way to Indian brothels already priced and sold. The smuggler was transporting them up to the border and was in the process of handing the girls over to the lady who was working for the Indian brothel when they were caught by the 3AN border monitoring rescue team. The smugglers were detained by the Police and the girls rescued.
One of the girls was an orphan girl who had no where else to go. She is currently in the 3AN/Captivating transit home at Vhairahwa branch along with the other 8. The other 8 will eventually be handed over to their parents whereas the one who is an orphan will be referred to Women’s Safe Haven Home in Pokhara (another program organized and run by 3AN). These girls have had a lucky escape. Sadly, there are still far too many who don’t.
If you would like to know more about this work and financially support the establishment of more border stations, please contact us urgently. We have two on-the-ground partners in Nepal doing amazing work and want to do more. The cost of intercepting girls at a border station program costs around US$150 per girl. This is such a small price to pay for a life and freedom. Please contact juliec@captivating.org for more details.
Captivating Nepal supported the families affected by a fire in the Terai region last May.
Our anti-human trafficking work in Nepal continues its fight, now working in 5 different high-risk regions. Krishnanagar is one of those regions. This work is coordinated and implemented by Rajendra Gautam (who attended our Shenzhen Auction event Oct 2015) and his team at 3 Angels Nepal (3AN). Thanks to the financial support from the Jamoca Foundation in Australia (who fully fund...
3 Angels Nepal (3AN) continues to work tirelessly to fight human trafficking in Nepal. This involves many hours each day in very confronting and distressing circumstances.
Captivating International has partnered with Nepal based NGO - 3 Angels Nepal (3AN) to fight against the trafficking of women and children in Nepal.
In the month of June at one of the border monitoring stations run by 3AN and funded by Captivating, Bhairahwa, 14 innocent girls were rescued. They were all...