Woman posing with teenage twin girls

CVP Welcomes Three New Girls in Daduwa

We are excited to welcome twin sisters Ganga and Jamuna,…

Woman looking out a window

CVP: Former Child Bride Graduates and Learns Japanese

Forced into child marriage at 15, Ritika overcame shame and…

Focus group discussion in Nepal

Panchkhal Community Needs Assessment For CVP

We conducted a needs assessment in Panchkhal and uncovered…

Teenage girl from Nepal washing a basin

Rima’s Glowing Confidence Through Education

Rima faced significant barriers to education due to gender…

Nepali girl in school uniform

Gyanu Goes Back to School After Father’s Death

Every year, hundreds of students in Nepal are compelled to…

Training to be a Successful Entrepreneur

Captivating Nepal brought together a group of 21 women from…