The Problem

Our Solution

Self-Sustainability = Freedom

The Problem

In Nepal there are many causes of human trafficking: illiteracy, gender inequality, open-borders, corruption and impunity and ineffective law enforcement. Caste distinctions, which lock the lowest castes out of work or education opportunities, also perpetuate the ease with which some communities fall prey to human trafficking. All of these factors play a part in this horrible reality, however, it’s clear that the key root cause of Human Trafficking in Nepal is EXTREME POVERTY. Until this is addressed, desperate women will continue to take up any opportunity they can for a better life – no matter how great the risk.

While official statistics estimate that 29,000 Nepalese citizens become innocent victims of human trafficking (National Human Rights Commission of Nepal – 2015)…

…the reality is that the actual number is impossible to estimate.

Our Solution

PREVENTION is a key part of Captivating’s program in partnership with 3 Angels Nepal (3AN). Educating communities through radio broadcasts and community mobilization and engagement efforts is a critical part of the overall solution. However, until a vulnerable women is helped to address her poverty, she will still be attracted to the prospect of migration out of her home village. This is a high risk change for her.

My Business-My Freedom aims to help her address her extreme poverty. This program will change her life. And, it’s all controlled by her. We’ll help her establish HER own business, focused on ensuring HER continued freedom.

My Business-My Freedom will create increased sustainable income generation for:
(1) Women assessed as most at risk of becoming victims of trafficking, or, women with children considered to be at risk due to poverty of the family. They will be living in extreme poverty, with limited eligibility to access government support;
(2) Women who are rescued survivors of human trafficking needing help to sustainability support themselves.

Unless these women have genuine opportunities for income generation, they will easily slip back into high-risk situations (prostitution, or the prospect of being trafficked again).


  • A woman receives training on how to run her own business, including advice on successful business opportunities;
  • She is mentored through the process of money management, savings, how to budget, basic business skills;
  • She is connected to a group of other women in similar circumstances, forming of loan collective that support and look out for each other through the years to follow;
  • She is given a low interest loan enough to get her started. Once she has successfully repaid this, she will be eligible to take out future loans at higher values until she no longer requires support.
  • Throughout this whole process, she will have the support and guidance of her loan officer, and her new community group. She’s on her way.


Self-Sustainability = Freedom

The problem of women falling victim to human trafficking will always be there as long as conditions of poverty and prejudice exist. When you’re desperate and see no future at home in your village, the attractiveness of migrating across the border into a better life is extremely appealing, even when the risks are incredibly high. This program focuses on identified high-risk regions currently being targeted by traffickers.

My Business – My Freedom is a micro-finance and education program helping women in high-risk trafficking locations start their own successful businesses, empowering self-sustainability and bringing freedom.

This venture utilizes training in micro-enterprise and micro-finance, along with trafficking awareness, leading to long term solutions for the entire community.

My Business – My Freedom is expanding throughout 3 regions in Nepal, eventually having in excess of 1,000 women in the program.

This is a Captivating/3AN initiative.


Beauty from Ashes – July to December 2022
Go to Captivating Publications for all of our updates and reports.

This is a Captivating / 3AN initiative

240 women Pokhara and Chitwan areas will join this program during the first year.  We aim to add 200 new women (clients) to this program every year.

My Business – My Freedom will then expand throughout other regions, each year with new loan capital, to eventually have in excess of 1,000 women supported in the My Business – My Freedom program by 2023 (subject to additional loan capital being secured).

It takes US$270 / A$385 of loan capital to start a woman in this program and on her way to a poverty free future. She will repay her loan within 6 – 9 months, and then it’s lent out again. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

  • US$270 / A$385 (helps 1 woman and her family)
  • US$2,700 / A$3,850 (helps 10 women and her family and creates a new loans group)
  • US$13,500 / A$19,250 (helps 50 women and creates 5 new loans groups)

What You Will Receive:

  • A six monthly (donor only – Nov and May) update on the progress of this program
  • A six monthly update (Aug and Feb) on our total work in Nepal (including MBMF)

Latest News for NEPAL - My Business - My Freedom

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Sushila Damai is one of the members benefiting from our microfinance program in Nepal, My Business My Freedom (MBMF).

Thank you to our project partners