You Are Loved – Thank You Shenzhen!

What a night! We are so humbled by the generosity shown once again from our Shenzhen community. Our goal for the night was an aggressive RMB 1.8 million. We knew this was going to be a big push and our expectations and stresses were high. We can report that we raised RMB 1.37 million. As Adrian Blackstock sang last night,

On behalf of the Shenzhen Charity Federation, thank you SO MUCH for being a part of our 11th year. Saturday, 12th of October, once again working with the wonderful team at the Futian Shangri-la, Shenzhen, will be remembered by us for a long time.

Because of your generosity, over the coming 12 months (some starting within a matter of weeks):


To all of our event organizers, our precious and beloved auction committee and 180 volunteers, our amazing school community, our incredible entertainers, the many companies who donated goods for auction, awesome MC and auctioneer, our incredibly generous corporate sponsors, and of course close to 600 guests – THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. We can’t believe how fortunate we are to have your support.

We look forward to updating you over the coming year on how these projects go. Be sure to keep an eye on our website and regular project updates.

Lastly, we thank our AMAZING auction committee co-leaders: Lynn Velez, Serena Cole and Ashley Stahle. You are the best in the business. 

And our thanks to our consistent and loyal Shenzhen team. Your desire to keep doing this year after year is astounding and we are so lucky to have had such a committed and unchanging team for so many years. Your efficiency, event management and problem solving skills are world class. Many comment that our event is one of the best auction fundraisers they have attended, and that is full credit to all of you.

We can’t believe that 11 years on, we are still getting better and better each year. You can feel SO PROUD of all you have achieved for the girls who cross our Captivating path. Congratulations and thank you.

To all who attended our event, we hope we have won your continuous support and will see you at our 12th Annual Captivating Charity Auction next year. Stay tuned for future updates including our event gallery of special auction moments.

Thank you to our SPONSORS

Thank you to our EVENT PARTNERS

Thank you to our AUCTION ITEM DONORS

18UNDER | Alexander’s Ice Cream | Alice Huang | Alla-Torre | Anna’s Lounge
Beauty Aesthetics | Artisans | ASBV Charity | Authentic International Ltd |
AZZURRO | Baia Academy | Baia Burger Concept | Baia da Marco | Baia
Restaurant. Bar. Grill | BetterZ | BodyChefs | Bolsa & Sacoche | Bolun Nails |
Bracceria Pugliese | Breathe | BREW | carina花礼悟花艺工作室 | Caroline Wressmark
| China Tea Leaves | Coaching with Chris | Dahlia Home & Lifestyle | Diana Lu
Couture | Easy Bacchus | Eleanor McColl | Element Fresh | Emily’s | Evil Duck | F45
Training Shekou | Food & Wine Exports Asia FWE璧聚商贸 | FUSE-home | Futian
Shangri-La Hotel, Shenzhen | George & Dragon British Pub | GPA Global | Grace
Chen | Grand Coloane Resort 鷺 環 海 天 度 假 酒 店 | Grand Hyatt | Grand Lapa,
Macau 金麗華酒店 | Great Wall Inn Gubeikou | Hanlin Language Center – HLC |
Hanover Coffee | Hilton Shekou | Homemade by Pooni | Hong Kong Food Tours
Limited | Huang He | I Dolce di Paola | Indigo Z | Island Shangri-La, Hong-Kong |
James Doran-Webb | Jiangxi Chaiquan Nongdou Manor Development Co., Ltd 江西
柴 泉 农 逗 庄 园 开 发 有 限 公 司 | Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong | KidKraft | Koralia | LA
VACA FELIZ | Latina | Little Mix Bakery | Little Papa | Living Style | Lotus Spa &
Skincare | LS Group 深 圳 里 一 昂 化 妆 品 销 售 有 限 公 司 | m.a.d. Furniture Design |
MAGPIE | MAHA Artisanal Kitchen | Mandy Gill | Marco Polo Shenzhen | Mary
Sweets | Moonshine Limited | Mr Bill | MuMu | Natalie Gau | Nisbets Global
Sourcing | Nogogo | Nomad | OGGI | Own Your Life – Victoria Plekenpol | O口.studio
| PALEOLITHIC | Paula Whalen | Pon Sears | Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai |
Purvi | raj | RDA Capoeira | Recognize International Academy/Cognition Services |
Red T Group | Residence G Shenzhen/GCP Hospitality | Ritz-Cartlon | Sandy Liu |
Seng Girls | Shangri-La at the Fort, Manila | Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok | ShangriLa Hotel, Qingdao | Shangri-La Xian | Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel,
Taipei | Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa, Cebu | Shangri-La’s Sanya Resort &
Spa, Hainan | SHARK Wine Lounge & Restaurant | Shenzhen Football Warriors
| Slow Living | Sphero | STRAX | Studio Dolce | Sùgo Italian Restaurant | Sylvester
Xu & Associates | Teqo | the ECHO | The First Swing Junior Golf Academy | The
Peninsula Hotels | The Terrace | Tim and Amy Yates | U-dental Shekou | United
Strangers | UnTour Food Tours | VF-HairSalon | Voski Ltd |
wemademoments | wework | WH·TE | Wine2D | X-ONE Trampoline Park | Xiaoli Wu
| YOGASUMMIT | Zippysparkles | ZURU




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